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What is Keyword Research?

Hey everyone! Today let’s dive into a topic, in the world of SEO, keyword research. I know what you might be thinking – keywords? Really? Believe me, understanding the keywords can have a huge impact on driving traffic to your website and boosting your search engine rankings. So, let’s get started!

Keyword research is about finding those search terms that people use on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. It involves analyzing search data to figure out which keywords are most valuable and relevant to your website. By understanding what your target audience is searching for you can optimize your website content. Improve its ranking, on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Understanding the Types of Keywords

When conducting keyword research for SEO, it is important to understand the different types of keywords that exist. By categorizing keywords, you can better strategize your SEO efforts and target the right audience. 1. Short-tail keywords: These are broad and generic keywords that typically consist of one or two words. For example, “digital marketing” or “SEO services.” While short-tail keywords have high search volume, competition is also intense, making it harder to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).
2. Long-tail keywords: These are more specific and longer keyword phrases that contain three or more words. For example, “affordable digital marketing services in [location]” or “best SEO strategies for small businesses.” Long-tail keywords have lower search volume but are highly targeted and have less competition, making it easier to rank for.
3. Branded keywords: Branded keywords involve including the name of the company,” Promodubiz”, in the search query. For example, users might search for “Promodubiz digital marketing agency” or “Promodubiz SEO services.” These branded keywords enable targeting users who are specifically looking for Promodubiz, its products, or services, allowing for a more focused approach to reaching potential customers.
 Understanding these types of keywords will help you refine your keyword research and focus on the most relevant and effective terms for your business.  

Tools for Keyword Research

In today’s digital age, it’s important for businesses and individuals alike to have an online presence. But how do you make sure your content is reaching the right people? That’s where Google Keyword Planner comes in. This powerful tool helps you find the right keywords to target so that your content can be easily discovered by your target audience. 
Think about it this way: if you were planning a road trip, wouldn’t you want to use a map or GPS to make sure you got to your destination as efficiently as possible? Well, the same goes for using Google Keyword Planner. By understanding what keywords people are searching for and how competitive those keywords are, you can create content that will rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your site.
Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool that helps you find the right keywords for your business. It works by analyzing search terms and providing data on their search volume, competition, and suggested bid. With this information, you can make informed decisions about which keywords to target and how much to bid on them.
One of the key features of Google Keyword Planner is its ability to provide keyword ideas based on your website or product. By entering a URL or product category, you can see a list of relevant keywords and their associated metrics. This makes it easy to find new keyword opportunities and expand your reach.

The Different Columns in Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool that helps marketers and advertisers with keyword research and planning for their online campaigns. It provides valuable insights into search volume, competition, and other key metrics related to specific keywords. When using the tool, you’ll come across several columns that provide important data. Let’s explore some of the commonly seen columns and understand their significance:
1. Keyword: This column displays the keywords you entered or the suggested keywords provided by Google based on your initial search. These are the specific terms or phrases that people use in search queries.
2. YoY change: Percentage change in avg. monthly searches over the past 12 months
3. 3-month change: Percentage change in avg. monthly searches over the past 3 months
4. Average Monthly Searches: This column shows the average number of times a keyword is searched on Google within a month. It gives you an idea of the popularity and demand for a particular keyword.
5. Competition: The competition column indicates the level of competition among advertisers bidding on a specific keyword. It is categorized as Low, Medium, or High. This data helps advertisers understand how difficult it may be to rank for a particular keyword and plan their advertising strategy accordingly.
6. Top of Page Bid (Low Range): This column provides an estimate of the minimum bid required to appear at the top of the search results page for a specific keyword. It helps advertisers determine the potential cost associated with bidding on a keyword.
7. Top of Page Bid (High Range): Similar to the previous column, this column shows the estimated maximum bid needed to secure the top position in the search results for a specific keyword.

How Google Keyword Planner Works

Google Keyword Planner relies on vast amounts of data collected by Google from search queries performed by users. It uses this data to provide marketers with valuable insights into keyword performance and trends. Here’s a brief overview of how Google Keyword Planner works:
1. Keyword Research: You start by entering a seed keyword or phrase in the tool. Google Keyword Planner then generates a list of related keywords based on your input. It also provides search volume data and competition metrics for each keyword.
2. Keyword Suggestions: In addition to the keywords you entered, Google Keyword Planner suggests related keywords that may be relevant to your campaign. These suggestions are based on popular search queries and trends.
3. Search Volume Data: The tool provides you with average monthly search volume data, which represents the number of times a keyword is searched within a month. This data helps you understand the popularity and demand for specific keywords.
4. Competition Analysis: Google Keyword Planner shows the level of competition for a keyword by categorizing it as Low, Medium, or High. This information helps you gauge the difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword and make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.
5. Bidding Insights: The tool also provides estimated bid ranges for keywords. These bid ranges give advertisers an idea of the minimum and maximum bids required to achieve top ad positions for specific keywords.
6. Performance Metrics: Google Keyword Planner displays metrics such as ad impression share, organic impression share, and organic average position. These metrics help you analyze the visibility and performance of your ads and website in search results.

Filtering Features in Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner offers a variety of filtering options that can help you refine your keyword research. One of the most useful filters is location, which allows you to target specific geographic regions. Whether you’re looking to optimize your website for a local market or expand your reach to a global audience, this feature can help you find the right keywords for your needs.
Another important filtering option is language, which lets you search for keywords in specific languages. This is particularly useful if you’re targeting a multilingual audience or if you want to optimize your content for a specific language group. Additionally, you can filter by device type, which can help you identify keywords that are more likely to be searched on mobile devices versus desktop computers.

Choosing the Right Keywords

When selecting keywords for your website’s SEO strategy, it’s important to consider several factors. One of the most important factors is search volume. This refers to the number of times a particular keyword or phrase is searched for on search engines like Google. You want to choose keywords with a high search volume to ensure that your website is reaching as many potential customers as possible.
Another key factor to consider is competition. This refers to how many other websites are also targeting the same keyword or phrase. If you choose highly competitive keywords, it will be harder for your website to rank highly in search engine results pages. Instead, try to find keywords with lower competition but still have a decent search volume.
Relevance is also crucial when choosing keywords. Your website’s content should align with the keywords you choose. For example, if you sell running shoes, you wouldn’t want to target keywords related to cooking. Make sure your chosen keywords accurately reflect the products or services you offer.
Finally, user intent is an important factor to consider. When someone searches for a particular keyword, what are they looking for? Are they looking to make a purchase, or are they just researching a topic? Understanding user intent can help you choose keywords that will attract the right kind of traffic to your website.

We have learned that proper keyword research is essential for successful SEO. By understanding your target audience and using the right tools, you can choose the most relevant and effective keywords for your website.
Remember to consider factors such as search volume, competition, relevance, and user intent when choosing keywords. And don’t forget to regularly review and update your keywords to stay ahead of the competition.
By incorporating the techniques outlined in this extensive guide and keeping up to date with the latest trends and best practices, you can elevate your website’s position with the support of Promodubiz. As a digital marketing industry leader, Promodubiz can help drive organic traffic to your website and establish your company as a prominent player in the field. Stay connected with us for more valuable content to optimize your online presence and propel your website to new heights in collaboration with Promodubiz. Thankyou.