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Google November 2023 Core update took 25 days to be completed

Well, finally rolling out was completed on November 28, 2023. As per the Twitter (now X) comments some of the websites have been affected due to this November core update. However, this is not for all websites in WWW. We, Promo Dubiz as a leading SEO professional unveil you one of the great points (let’s say it’s a secret :)) to be stable on any of the core updates given by Google.

Actually, there is no rocket science to defend on the core update battle, just focus on what your clients need and build up your website. Here, we will show one of the client’s websites (Let’s say the client’s name is ABC) that we started work on SEO and ad how we became stable in this November 2023 core update. In the first quarter of this year, we started working on the SEO of this website. Before we do major works in terms of SEO Google Core Update March was released. Unfortunately (but luckily) we were hit by this update. You can see how the impressions and clicks were dropped with below Google Search Console data.

March 2023 Google Core Update Affected on the Client's Website

Affected Client’s website on March 2023 Google Core Update

November 2023 Google Core Update has NO affect on the Client's Website

Recovered & non-affected Client’s website on November 2023 Google Core Update

As you can see, after the 15th of March, ABC’s impressions and clicks dropped, what was the reason? Our SEO team found the issues with User Experience and User Interface (UX & UI) were not maintained properly. Finally, our SEO experts started work on improving UX and UI, this led to a settled website again and it was continuously improved and ranked for many targetted keywords. The secret was, following Google Guidelines at top priority and SEO best practices. Since our team worked as per Google’s SEO guidelines,  other core updates were not affected on ABC clients, especially, August, October, and November Core updates in 2023.

As you can see in the above screenshot of the Search Console report, in the November Core update, ABC improved, which means this November Core update 2023 positively impacted the client’s website because of Promo Dubiz’s SEO team’s best SEO practices. 

How did we do that?

Beyond Google search central documentation is there any secret? Yes, there is. Practical knowledge of SEO is essential in the SEO battle. Even if you’re not an experienced SEO professional, you can have experience from other case studies. How?

You can check the following official Google Search documentation to get a clear idea of practical SEO use cases.

  1.  1. Search Off The Report (SOTR):
  2. 2. Google SEO Office Hours:
  3. 3. Google Mythbusting Video Series:

Even more, Google Search Central in Twitter (X) is one of the best social updates that you can get in terms of global seo practice trends.

A key secret in resisting Google Algorithm Updates is to do the best practices according to the Google Guidelines and get practical SEO experience from the above three links. As a professional SEO team, we are eager to assist you in recovering negative core update hits. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.